NC Hypoid Gear Generator

  • Manufacturer GLEASON(USA)
  • Specification NO.116 (NC-TYPE)
  • Year sell
  • Location Ryokuta 2nd Factory
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Mitsubishi 3 Axis、Diametral pitch 12.7MOD、Cone distance (30° spiral angle and 12" cutter) 230mm、Work head angle 12°~90°、Maximum gear pitch diameter 10:1 (460mm)、2:1(406mm)、1:1(324mm)、Face width (maximum)70mm、Nmber of teeth 5~150mm、Diameter of taper hole at large end 100mm、Taper per foot 15mm、Depth of taper 150mm、Diaameter of hole through spindle 78mm、Cutter speeds 17~115rpm、Feed 9~80 seconds、Net weight 10750kg

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