NC Hypoid Gear Generator

  • Manufacturer GLEASON(USA)
  • Specification NO.106 (NC-TYPE)
  • Year sell
  • Location Ryokuta 2nd Factory
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Mitsubishi 3軸(Mldas 64)、 Max.cone distance : 107 mm, Max. pitch diameter (30° spiral angal) : 10 to 1 ratio : 215 mm, 2 to 1 ratio : 190 : mm, 1 to 1 ratio : 152 mm, Max. face width: 31.7 mm, Max depth : 15.8 mm, Diametral pitch, coarsest : 6.35 Mod. , WORK SPINDLE Diameter of taper hole at large end: 23 mm Taper per foot : 15.5 mm, Depth of taper: 152.4 mm, Diameter of hole through spindle: 61.9 mm Work Head Settings Offset above center, maximum :76.2 mm, Offset below center, maximum : 76.2 mm, Distance from machine center to nose of spindle (maximum) : 31.7 mm、machine weight 7500KG

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